Photo Restoration

Get out that shoebox full of cracked old photos from grandma and have them scanned, cleaned up and looking fresh again.


Illustrator and Photoshop drawing.

Steam Tac Toe

A game I started while at triOS. My coding skills are not great, so it never got finished. Rhe artwork in Illustrator and Photoshop however is all me, and that DID get finished.

Game and UI Design

Steam Tac Toe



A website Laura and I are working on..kind of an etsy for nerds, where shop owners will be able to sell handcrafted nerd items as well as pop culture geekery

pic of nerdsy website

Oliver VS the DragonBunny

This was an HTML5 scrolling shooter game started as part of an appathon while at triOS College. All of the characters were drawn by me, the background was done my partner Laura and code was done by our other partner Adam. Unfortunately we never took it any further.


The original sketches before we knew it was to be an 8-bit game:

Innovation Works

Innovation Works is a terrific co-working space downtown, that I just love spending time at, whether to meet up with a client or just get together with other co-tenants.
I’ve had the pleasure of doing some graphics work for them.



Inventory Express

I have done a large variety of work for Inventory Express over the years, including complete branding, advertising and collateral. As well as a firesuit, and packaging of branded materials.