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How Important is a Professionally Designed Logo?

A well designed logo is an integral part of your business. It’s used on everything that is associated with your IS your business. So when I hear about “contests” or sites like fivrr that devalue the real work of designers, it gets me going. Why does this seem to be an ongoing battle for designers. Honestly, I think it’s because of a lack of information. A great logo  design often appears simple in the end. It looks “right” and so unfortunately, people equate that with “not much work” However that is not the case. Good design is the process of stripping ideas down to their core to get at the simplest most direct response. However, that does not mean it’s tossed off in an hour. A great deal of time and energy goes into that simplification process. Designers have been trained to use the visual as a language, pushing and pulling ideas till they distill into that drop of sunshine.

So how much should  a logo cost?

World Wildlife Fund Logo

It depends. I know, not a very gratifying answer. It will depend on the skill and experience of the designer. For example a company like Landor, which has designed some of the logos for major corporations, like the World Wildlife Fund (see pic at right), is not going to be cheap.

However, you can get quality work from a local designer for a reasonable price. Work with your designer, find out what else they’ve done. And recognize that the reason that you are paying them is because they have that ability to distill your ideas and get to the core of it to create a memorable logo for you.

Your designer should talk to you about your company or product; they should research what has been done before, so they are not just replicating something. If your designer doesn’t do these things, run, don’t walk to another designer.

Here are a few logos that I have created. Get in touch with me if you need a logo or any other graphic design. How can I help?

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